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3 Simple Things You Can Do To Overcome Writer’s Block

Why Butt-in-Seat Is The Worst Advice Ever

Writer's block. 

Every writer gets it, and the traditional advice is called butt-in-chair. If you're not familiar with the butt-in-chair technique it means to sit down in a chair in front of your computer and write.

It sounds like good advice. It sounds like self-discipline. But anyone who has really been stuck and done the butt-in-chair technique knows it doesn't work. That is not at all how to overcome writer's block. All you're doing is having writer's block while your butt is in a chair.

Anyone who has really been blocked and done the butt-in-chair technique knows it doesn't work.

And the reason it doesn't work is because your mind is actually blocked for a reason. Unless you want to cover that reason you're still going to stay blocked. No I could go over the reasons here, we're really I can't cuz there are thousands of reasons but fortunately, they all have the same solution.

 And that solution is…






When you're dehydrated, you're going to feel tired. And when you feel tired, ideas are simply not going to come. in fact, it's going to be all you can do to stay awake so to keep the ideas flowing make sure you drink the amount of water you're supposed to every day.


Study after study has proven what we've known all along; that walking in nature can reduce stress, and stir your creative juices. the Warren Moore crisp air, the birds chirping, the sense of outside they can all get your mind thinking and your blood pumping and this will definitely help you overcome writer's block. 


There's a reason we get such good ideas in the shower.  It's because we have no choice but to be alone with our thoughts.  That's why when you do walk I suggest not listening to music, podcasts or anything else you're going to listen to. You have to be alone with your thoughts in order to overcome writer's block. 

I recently had a bout of writer's block.  A story I've been working on forever, wasn't fitting together. Now granted, it's not the type of story I usually write which is why it’s harder, but that's also why I wanted to write it in the first place. I'm all about challenging myself with different types of stories.

So I went for a walk. And I know you're thinking that I'm going to tell you I came home with a great idea, but I didn't. 

But that didn't stop me. 

I walked again the next day and the day after that. in the meantime, I worked on articles to post online, like this one. Writing I knew I wasn't blocked with.

Then, on the fifth day it finally hit me;  the solution to all my story troubles. So I went home got out the story and started over. That's right, OVER. And you know what? The story worked. And it didn't take that long to write over since I used most of the same stuff but one little change, made the story work.

Now it’s likely I eventually would have figured this out without walking. But who knows how long it would have taken me? A month? A year? A decade?

Walking sped everything up. Walking without music lets you be alone with your thoughts so your brain can go to work on the problem. 

 So the next time you're stuck with writer's block remember; 




It might just save your day. 


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