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When you’re in the thick of writing your novel, it’s easy to think no one will read it, or that it won’t matter because so many books are published.
But I’m going to tell you a secret…
Books CAN change the world.
One person at a time.
This is the case with many of the writings of Jules Vernes, including 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, From The Earth To The Moon, and 5 Weeks In A Balloon.
These Three stories painted a World of Science Fiction so vividly that people believed the impossible, traveling, living and breathing under the water, traveling to space, and even flying around earth WAS possible. Because if not only was Vernes a great writer, he was a great researcher with a scientific mind.
Future scientists and inventors, inspired by his work, created the things we for granted today; submarines and scuba gear. Rockets to space. Even heavier than air travel were all shown in Verne’s work before the rest of the world could even conceive of such a thing.
That is how the works of Jules Verne’s changed the world.
How will your book change the world?