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The Book That Exposed Genocide In America

The rarely thought about American minority

The 1970’s was a time of great upheaval as various groups fought for equality, such as women, blacks, the differently-abled and many other marginalized groups. 

However, even during the civil rights movement, it was easy to overlook marginalized groups that were too marginalized.

The Native Americans were such a group. Since the creation of the country, not only were continually cast as ‘the bad guy,’ in all kinds of stories, genuine Native Americans were few and far between. 

Out of sight out of mind is very much a thing. And without Native Americans around for others to ‘see’ it was easy to overlook them in the fight for equality. 

The book, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, changed all that. 

This book revealed the horrifying truth; the reason there were so few Native Americans around was because of the government's efforts to completely obliterate the lifestyle, culture and the people themselves over decades.  

Out of sight out of mind was not simply ‘one of those things’ but an intentional act to keep even freedom fighters from asking to many questions and joining the Native American’s fight for their own equality.

After that book, there was a reckoning of sorts. the government had to admit what they did, stop doing it, and recognize the rights of the natives.  

That book changed the world by making the genocidal horrors, which were hidden from the outside, visible to all. And America was understandably outraged.  

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